So I was sitting there with my little guy and had the tv on. We had just gotten done with "Tom and Jerry", one of his favs. I turned it over to VH1 but it had on something stupid so flip up one and Fox news is annoucing that McCain has picked an VP.
I thought ok he is going to pick a black guy or some semi young white guy. That would be like a death axe in my view. Instead he picks a Woman! WOW!!! That was out of leftfield for me. Seems Mr. McCain is smarter than he let on. That my friends is the right move.
Got to somehow get that Hillary vote to their side. He is listening to some smart folks if he is going after that vote to. Most of them where looking to do their level best to get the Democrats into a frenzy at the convention.
Now let's see about this chick. Has 5 kids, one with down syndrome. After she had the kid was back into the office within 3 days. Likes to hunt, fish and does alot of outdoors stuff. Will tell ya straight up if you wrong. You can ask those that she kicked out of office for doing the wrong thing. Palin has a almost 90% approval rating in her state.
Ok I am impressed by her. Seems Mrs. Palin has her head on straight and actually listens to her state folks. Isnt that a new thing in polticis. This move has made me really start to look at the candiates a little more.
Do I want to vote for someone that just grabbed a white guy to try to get the good ole boy vote. Or do I want to vote for the old white guy with a woman that is not going to take shit? Damn this is going to be a tougher vote than last election. I really hope I do better this time than last time. I really screwed up voting for damn W.
Macrus Award Slut

Friday, August 29, 2008
Who knew
Posted by MaryO at 1:16 PM
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BTW. Either way you vote we're prolly gonna end up with the Veep as Pres. Black man's gonna get assassinated by some skinhead. Old man's gonna kick the bucket.
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